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ÖzU Couple and Family Center (ÖzUÇAM)

Ozyegin University Couple and Family Center was established in February 2017 as a training, application and research center for Couple and Family Therapy master degree program. The center is open to ÖzU students and university staff and also any individuals outside of the university. ÖzUÇAM aims to do scientific and societal contributions by providing accessible couple and family therapy services for the community. In addition, ÖzUÇAM is a center conducting research projects, and providing certificated training programs in couple and family therapy, as well as psychoeducation for individual and relational growth. As of May 2022, ÖzUÇAM reached 769 counselees and provided 7482 counseling sessions. 65% of all the people receiving support from ÖzUÇam  are non-ÖzU members whereas 31% are ÖzU students and 3% are ÖzU staff.