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Water in the Community

SEC 101 First Year Experience Water Track

In the 2022-23 academic year, the OLTE department at Özyeğin University launched a sustainability module entitled "ÖzÜ Su" as a part of their compulsory first-year experience course (SEC 101) for all first-year students. The module aimed to provide students with a foundation in self-regulation, bridging the gap with self-regulation and water conservation.

As part of the module, students were asked to work in groups and develop custom water conservation projects by setting goals and strategies considering the ÖzÜ context. The project proposals were evaluated based on a rubric by a panel of OLTE faculty and staff. Out of the 160 proposals submitted, 20 were selected for further review.

The 20 selected projects were then assessed by a panel of representatives from relevant departments across the university, including the Sustainability Platform, HSE, and Social Change Volunteers Unit. The panel considered the technical feasibility, environmental impact, and social impact of each project.

Based on the panel's evaluation, five projects were chosen for implementation. These projects will address various water-related issues, such as water scarcity, pollution, and flooding.

The OLTE ÖzÜ Su Module is a significant initiative that will help raise awareness of water issues among students and the wider community. The implementation of the selected projects will have a positive impact on water conservation and sustainability. The sustainability module was designed as part of the university's commitment to sustainability.

Participation in the National Water Efficiency Campaign

Özyeğin University participated Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry's  National Water Efficiency Campaign.  As public institutions, we are asked to take action and achieve the target of achieving 25% water savings in buildings in order to prevent water shortages in the future and protect water resources. Within this scope, it has been requested to accept the following three headings as a strategy and to carry out the studies.

I. Reduction: The amount of water used should be reduced in various ways and waste should be prevented.

II. Reuse: Water reuse should be ensured by using rainwater harvesting and graywater usage systems in buildings.

III. Change: Water-wasting equipment or methods should be replaced to ensure the efficient use of water.

The “Instructions for Installation of Water Efficiency Systems in Buildings” and the “Target and Application Guide for Water Efficiency in Buildings” have been examined, and the notes for what has been done and what will be done at Özyeğin University are listed in the table below. Names have been identified to represent our institution and shared with the provincial directorate. The report on water efficiency studies in buildings and the water efficiency report has been shared with the relevant provincial directorate. (It will be every quarter, and the first period is June-July-August 2023.)

The following items summarize what will be done at ÖzÜ in the applications recommended by the guide and instruction. The work items related to this summary will be additionally projected budgeted and submitted for approval, and the approved ones will be implemented.

HSE Work List

a) Preparation and hanging of visuals on common areas for water efficiency and conservation
b) Creation of awareness by publishing announcements on MyÖzU
c) Additional and improvement in HSE training content on this subject

Technical Services Work List

d) Activation of existing graywater systems and construction of additional graywater systems
e) Performance of rainwater storage systems and construction of additional systems
f) Evaluation of the performance of well water collection tanks and project planning of the works according to the needs
g) Installation of water meters in storage systems and buildings
h) Improvement by re-examination of the details thought and solved in the system

The 25% reduction target stated in the Ministry's letter does not reflect the current situation of our university. In building-based improvements, meters should be installed, and our current situation should be re-determined by reviewing water consumption according to face-to-face and full-capacity education and work orders after the pandemic. The percentage of water savings that the improvement studies find will provide should be foreseen and the realistic target should be compared with the following year. Our control calendar should be annual, and a comparison between the previous and the following year should be made for each period of our university where life and intensity change.

ATTUNE Water Module

The Attune Project's water module at Özyeğin University focuses on enhancing water sustainability on campus. Its goals include reducing water waste, improving efficiency in water use, and fostering a culture of conservation among students, staff and faculty. Following its implementation at Özyeğin University, the module is designed to act as a model for other universities worldwide, providing a comprehensive guide for integrating effective water sustainability practices into their operations.