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OzU: A Neutral Platform and A Safe Space

Özyeğin University is committed to providing a neutral platform and a safe space for diverse political stakeholders to openly discuss challenges, as emphasized in our Code of Ethics (Article 4) and in Sections 1 and 2 of our UNGC COP report. These outline our commitment to protecting and promoting fundamental rights and freedoms, ensuring our campus is a safe space. As seen in student club event visuals, we actively encourage these dialogues, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration on critical issues.  Students invite various NGOs,  government representatives, companies demonstrating this dedication. Besides On the World Food Day, FAO, as an NGO, the Water İnstute of Turkey, as a government agent, and Pınar Holding, a plastic bottle company, and Mine Tekman, an activist on plastic pollution and faculty at OzU had a fruitful discussion on our campus, which is a testament to our university’s dedication to facilitating constructive dialogue and collaboration among diverse political stakeholders. It is actively encouraged and supported such interactions to foster understanding and find common ground on important issues.