“Turkey & Europe: An Integrated Service-Device-Technology Roadmapping for Smart and Green Cities Alliances” Project
TÜSİAD, alongside its Project Partners Institut du Bosphore, TÜRKONFED, Berlin Bosphorus Initiative, Ozyegin University and OzU – TÜSİAD Sustainable Development Forum is implementing an interactive dialogue platform entitled “Turkey & Europe: An Integrated Service-Device-Technology Roadmapping for Smart and Green Cities Alliances”. This project brings together through virtual meetings the representatives of 9 European and Turkish pilot cities – namely İstanbul, İzmir, Gaziantep, Konya, Ankara, London, Paris, Berlin, and Utrecht-, the ministries and various key stakeholders to explore how a connected green & smart ecosystem can meet the challenges of the future. A roadmap for an integrated service – device – technology for smart and green cities will be devised based on the interactive discussions.