ÖzU aims to get its students to internalize a sustainable lifestyle and act accordingly as individuals and professionals. ÖzU is well aware of the fact that this goal can be achieved best through living in an academic culture that prioritizes sustainability. The academic curriculum offers a wide range of sustainability-related courses. As of the 2023/24 academic year, a total number of 1,345 courses are offered, 445 of which are sustainability-related.
Mapping the Courses by SDGs
A comprehensive analysis was conducted to successfully match 2187 courses opened since 2017 with SDGs. A special course analysis code was developed. The code scanned course descriptions, objectives, and learning outcomes with keywords, assigning weighted scores to SKAs for each course. A total of 8942 keywords were analyzed for 17 SKAs in both Turkish and English.
The analysis results for the number of courses matching each Sustainable Development Goal are as follows:
When looked at by faculty breakdown, naturally, the Faculty of Architecture and Design and the Faculty of Engineering are among the faculties most associated with SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). The Faculty of Social Sciences is focused on SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). The Faculty of Business Administration is among our faculties focused on SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth); the Faculty of Law concentrates on SDG 16.
Sustainability in Academic English Courses
In an innovative stride, ÖzU has designed its academic English courses, ENG101 and ENG102, compulsory for English-medium undergraduate programs, to include sustainability as a core curriculum component. This approach aims to elevate students' sustainability literacy and knowledge and enhance their English proficiency through assessments integrated into the midterm and final exams. This initiative is a testament to ÖzU's dedication to nurturing a generation that is fluent in English, deeply versed in sustainability, and prepared to face the challenges of our time.
Activate the University For Climate Change-Learning Platform
ÖzU runs a project called 'Activate the University Against Climate Change ' (ATTUNE). This education program directly addresses climate change on the university campus. The education program is being concurrently conducted in Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Turkey for the Erasmus + KA220-HED project. The first step is to register for the learning online platform. The platform provides learning materials on water, waste, energy, food management and mobility. The participants are asked to complete before and after questions designed to assess sustainability literacy and knowledge.
SEC 101 Introduction to University Life
OzU ensures that all students are equipped with knowledge of social sustainability through SEC 101 Introduction to University Life. This course covers various aspects of social sustainability, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of fostering a socially responsible and inclusive environment within the university and beyond. Overall, these efforts reflect our institution's dedication to promoting social sustainability through education, training, and awareness-raising initiatives for both students and staff members.
Health, Safety and Environment Training
Due to ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and the ISO 50001:2018 Environmental Management System standards as well as effective laws and regulations we provide education to staff and students first during the orientation days. Then through LMS Next module, all students and staff registered 4 hour training.
Programs run by Center for Energy, Environment and Economy
Please explore the CEEEs page for outreach education and projects. These pages provide a glimpse into the dynamic activities and projects that OzU has undertaken in sustainability education, both locally and globally. Through innovative programs and a dedicated approach to integrating sustainability into our curriculum, we're not just educating; we're activating a new generation ready to make a difference in the world.
Energy Efficiency Education Projects: Energy Efficiency Projects
Our Achievements in Turkey: What We Have Done in Turkey
Our Global Impact: What We Have Done in the World
New Courses launched in 2023/24 Academic Year