Istanbul Game Entrepreneurship Academy: 9999in1 Space Project
The Istanbul Game Entrepreneurship Academy is an initiative that aims to bring together key stakeholders in the Istanbul gaming vertical, with the goal of strengthening network and community relationships within the digital gaming ecosystem. It focuses on making sectoral progress sustainable and supporting game entrepreneurs from the idea validation stage to the commercialization stage, while also providing education and events. Supported by the Istanbul Development Agency and prepared by the Çekmeköy Municipality, the project, which is run in partnership with Özyegin University, Oyunder, and Helyum, has provided over 2,000 hours of training to approximately 400 students to date. The Academy achieves its goals through education and mentorship programs, extensive conventional and digital promotional efforts, panels involving all stakeholders in the gaming ecosystem, gameathons, demo days, webinars, and digital channel broadcasts, all aimed at helping game entrepreneurs establish themselves in the industry.The Istanbul Game Entrepreneurship Academy is also recognized as one of the 25 game entrepreneurship centers, as highlighted in recent reports by the Presidency of the Digital Transformation Office.