University Measures Towards Affordable Clean Energy
Energy-efficient renovation and building
Our three buildings have a total of 69,675 m2 of space and hold LEED Gold certification. We have procedures and a management plan in place regarding energy efficiency. The certification process preparation for ISO 50001 EnMS has also been initiated.
Upgrade buildings to higher energy efficiency
Energy management is provided without compromising comfort, and an energy study report is conducted every 7 years. Additionally, we allocate resources for the renewal of outdated equipment, such as replacing T5 fluorescent bulb fixtures with LED fixtures.
Carbon reduction and emission reduction process
Tri-generation and solar system investments have been made to meet our electrical needs, and Technical Services is responsible for their operation.
Energy Efficiency Plan
In all our facilities, A+ energy-consuming devices are selected. Significant energy usage is continually monitored and controlled. Low electricity consumption LED fixtures are chosen for campus lighting improvements.
Within the scope of ISO 50001 EnMS, the aim is to increase awareness among campus stakeholders. Energy consumption within the framework of Environmental Management Systems is compared to the previous year, covering four quarters, and improvement areas are detailed based on this data.
The maintenance of climate control systems is performed, and heating and cooling data are monitored and controlled through automation. Annual maintenance of electrical and mechanical automation systems ensures efficient operation.
Clean Energy Energy Reviews
Electricity consumption is monitored and recorded with quality analyzers, and energy studies are conducted regularly. It is mandatory to survey public buildings responsible for appointing an energy manager. These surveys are either commissioned to companies by the institutions and organizations to which the public building is affiliated or carried out by the institutions and organizations themselves if they have personnel with Building Survey-Project Certificate. These surveys are renewed every seven years.
Policy Divesting Investments
Özyegin University continues feasibility studies to increase the capacity of solar energy systems (GES) installed on building roofs. Existing GES systems are regularly maintained. Within the framework of the European-Funded LegoFit project conducted within EÇEM, additional GES is being worked on for Dormitory 6 B Block.
The University management prepared a detailed report on the possibility of reaching100% renewable energy usage and it is currently under consideration.