Water Usage and Care
ÖzU’s Sustainability Policy provides guidance and direction to minimize resource consumption through good design, including actively promoting efficient water use and maximizing its reuse across the University. In alignment with its environmental consciousness within the framework of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems, Özyeğin University has recently published an Institutional Water Footprint Report. Compliant with the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Standard, this report serves as an extension of the university’s previous carbon footprint reports. University Campus Energy and Water Resources User Manual document and Environmental Management Plan illustrate university water management principles and measures taken in detail.
Free Drinking Water
At OzU free drinking water is provided for students and staff at community kitchens, and various locations at the sports center. In the orientation week, new ÖzU students are gifted a steel water bottle as a gesture of the university's commitment to this policy.
Water Conservation
Various conservation measures and awareness details are being implemented at Ozyegin University, with the aim of reducing water losses and increasing water usage efficiency.
- Climate-appropriate and low-water-demand plants are preferred.
- Garden irrigation is carried out during the night or in the early hours of the morning.
- Smart and automatic irrigation systems (drip irrigation, sprinklers, etc.) are used.
- With automatic irrigation, the irrigation time can be scheduled, and programming contributing to water conservation can be implemented.
- In wet areas, dual-flush toilets and dual-level reservoirs are used, and minimum water consumption levels are set.
- Sensor-equipped and low-pressure faucets are used.
- All faucets in wet areas of the buildings are equipped with aerators.
Treated Water Consumption
Raw water taken from water sources is treated at world standards in drinking water treatment plants and delivered to subscribers. Water treated by İSKİ comes to the campus and after entering, the university re-filters and re-treats water before use.
The water provided to us by ISKI under suitable conditions for consumption is collected in our raw water reservoir. Through the use of hydrofor pumps, it is processed through the purification system and delivered to the potable water reservoirs and soft water reservoirs.
Similarly, with the help of the relevant potable water and soft water hydrofor pumps, water that has been treated and stored is made readily available for use. It is transported to the required points within our campus through main and secondary water pipes, ensuring the necessary water needs are met. The purification systems on our campus are subject to regular monthly and periodic inspections and audits by authorized service providers. The potable water used on our campus is periodically checked for its suitability by taking samples from external authorized service providers and conducting various analyses.
Hydrofor and pump groups located on our campus are subject to regular maintenance by authorized service providers. The cleanliness and hygiene maintenance of the water reservoirs on our campus are carried out regularly by the Operation Management Team and checked by Health, Safety and Environment Department.
Water Pollution Control
OzU carries out all its operations within the scope of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Standard and zero waste standards. Wastewater generated on our campus is conveyed to ISKI's collection points (sewer lines) through main pipelines and treated at The Paşaköy Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant.
2. It is important that in order to prevent organic blockages, especially in kitchens that can negatively impact the infrastructure, grease separators are used at necessary points. The maintenance of this equipment is also carried out periodically.
3. All the quality measurements are done by ISKI monthly and published on its web site.
Treatment of Waste Water
At OzU, bioremediation technology is used to use bacteria to solve wastewater pollution which is an environmental problem. These bacteria enable the biodegradation of organic molecules. This allows us to prevent fats, oils, and grease (FOG) in wash water and wastewater. The link presents the process that our supplier procures.
Waste water produced at OzU is sent to Paşaköy Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, which has a treatment capacity of 100,000 m3/day to serve a population of 500,000 and features advanced systems and equipment for sludge drying, UV disinfection, and biofiltration. Regular audits are conducted to verify that wastewater is treated.
Water Conscious Building Standards
Ozyegin University's academic buildings have LEED Gold certifications and one academic building was built as a European Union Project ( NEED4b) exceeding LEED standards. These buildings aim to minimize water usage. More information on the building certificates can be accessed here.