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Elected Representation at University Governance

At Özyeğin University there are different mechanisms to include internal stakeholders in the university governance.

Faculty Representation: At ÖzÜ, the rules and regulations state that the Faculty Board, chaired by the Dean, consists of the heads of departments affiliated with the faculty and, if applicable, directors of institutes and schools affiliated with the faculty.  In addition, three professors from the faculty are chosen among themselves for a term of three years, two associate professors are chosen among themselves, and one faculty member is chosen from among the doctorate teaching staff. The Faculty Executive Board, chaired by the Dean, comprises three professors, two associate professors, and one doctorate teaching staff member chosen by the Faculty Council for three years.

Staff Representation:  ÖzÜ Faculty and staff are represented in university governance through participation in university-wide committees. You can access the list of committees here

Student Representation: 
Students are represented at governance regularly through various means. Firstly, all faculties try to periodically invite students to department and/or faculty boards. Faculty students are included in department boards, and student representation is at every meeting of the Campus Services Advisory Board, Occupational Health and Safety Board, and the Quality Commission.
The ÖzU Student Council also regularly collects feedback and shares it with the University administration through reports and meetings. The Student Council also presents student feedback to the Quality Commission through a presentation.

Özyeğin University Student Council (OzUSC)
Özyeğin University Student Council (ÖzUSC), an official subsidiary of the university, represents the interests of the entire student community. In close cooperation with all the units and stakeholders of the university, it represents both the lasting and current concerns, needs, and aspirations of the students which is the first mission of the Student Council. Thereby, it acts as a bridge between university units and students and try to enrich the university life for students by diversifying them. We strive to achieve this by conducting innovative studies in both academic and social domains. You can reach özU Directives on Student Council here (in Turkish) .