Provide expert advice to Government
Özyeğin University provides expert advice services to local and national governments. For instance, Assistant Professor İsmail Arı from the Faculty of Engineering serves as a member of the Advisory Board for Technology and Innovation Funding Programs, contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 9. Additionally, eight faculty members have participated in 12 different Expertise Commissions for the preparation of Turkey's 11th Development Plan, which will serve as the main blueprint for progress between 2019 and 2023. These faculty members include Professor Işıl Erol, and Assistant Prof. Mehmet Ali Soytaş, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 12 as members of the Consumption and Savings Trends Expertise Commission; Assistant Prof. Deniz Sert, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goal 10 as a member of the Foreign Migration Policy Expertise Commission; Professor Işıl Erol, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goals 8, 11, 12, and 17 as a member of the Commissions for Developing Financial Services, Consumption and Savings Trends, and Housing Policies; Dr. Pınar Gökçin ÖzUyar, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goals 12, 13, 14, and 15 as a member of the Commission for Sustainable Management of Environmental and Natural Resources; Prof. Dr. Ümit Özlale, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goal 8 as a member of the Commissions for Growth Dynamics and Combating Inflation; Prof. Mustafa Topaloğlu, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goal 15 as a member of the Mining Policies Expertise Commission; and İhsan Elgin, who contributed to Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 8 as a member of the Commission for Developing Financial Services. It's noted that links to Expertise Commission Reports and the 11th Development Plan are published online. As an example, the link to the Entrepreneurship Expertise Commission Report for the previous 10th Development Plan is provided. Among Özyeğin University's areas of expertise for the national government are rural development and migration. ÖzÜ collaborates with the Husnu Özyeğin Foundation on rural development and is a member of the IPARD (Pre-Accession Assistance for Agriculture and Rural Development) Monitoring Commission. The university also provides consultancy services to the International Center for Migration Policy Development on migration issues in Turkey.