Nişantepe Law Clinic
In line with the field experiences of OzU Nişantepe Social Empowerment Studies, new models have been planned within the scope of Legal Clinics, considering the needs of individuals living in Nişantepe. The severe poverty experienced in Nişantepe, the discrimination suffered, and the violations of education, health and property rights were taken into account, and the cases of violence and early marriage were also decisive in terms of the content of the studies. In this context, in the spring term of 2021-2022, a protocol on Legal Clinics was signed between OzU and the Open Space Association Deep Poverty Network, which works in Nişantepe and the surrounding neighborhoods. As of spring 2021-2022, a volunteer working group was formed with the participation of 6 mentor lawyers and 29 students for the works within the scope of the protocol and 6 Nişantepe residents were provided legal advice.