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Collaboration for SDG Best Practice 2023

Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç Appointed as a Member of the COST Action CA20109 Committee

Prof. M. Pınar Mengüç is apppointed as a member of the COST Management Committee for the "Modular Energy Islands For Sustainability and Resilience" Action of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). He has been appointed as a member of the Management Committee for the Cost Action CA20109 “Modular Energy Islands For Sustainability and Resilience" of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), an open space that brings together researchers and scientists across Europe, and facilitates the coordination of scientific research projects on the European level, and whose scientific coordination in Turkey is undertaken by TÜBİTAK. 


The project “Activate The University for Climate Change” (ATTUNE) has produced an innovative learning program that directly addresses climate change on the university campus and encourages students, academic staff, and administrative personnel to act together. The program is being simultaneously conducted at five different universities in Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Turkey as part of the Erasmus+ KA220-HED project. 
We collaborate with 10 different organizations including universities and NGOs to create five main online education modules on sustainability (water, energy, food consumption, waste, and transportation). The program aims to successfully unite students, academicians and administrative staff to create a project that offers a sustainable solution to any of the problems.

Projects results will include materials designed to invite action from the university community, online resource platform for the university community to access all the materials necessary for the implementation of phase 1 and 2 and validated Action Programme in 5 European universities that could be run independently by other universities.