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Gender Equality Policies in Turkey’s Opposition Municipalities

Ebru Ertugal in collaboration with a scholar at the American College of Institute (ACI) , examined in 2023 gender equality policy processes in Turkey’s opposition-controlled municipalities operating under a national government with an authoritarian and anti-gender equality stance. Using interview data and documentary analysis, the study identifies four factors that either facilitate or hinder the advancement of gender equality policies. It highlights that the interaction between political party ideology and the personal perceptions of mayors creates openings for gender mainstreaming, where gender experts play a crucial role. Gender mainstreaming supports policy capacity, spreads gender awareness, and in some cases, reshapes politicians’ perspectives on electoral outcomes. However, adversarial dynamics between government levels hinder transformative actions, although these actions hold potential for future feministoriented political engagement. By aligning with SDG 5, DG 10 and SDG 16, this research underscores the vital role of gender equality in building inclusive and accountable institutions. It emphasizes that fostering gender equality within governance structures not only promotes women’s empowerment but also strengthens the effectiveness and legitimacy of institutions committed to equity and social justice.