Water Recycling 2023
Özyeğin University forges ahead with an unwavering commitment to pioneer new initiatives for efficient management of its water resources, following principles of environmental awareness and sustainability. To that end, the University has developed new strategies to preserve, save and effectively use its water resources. Implementing these strategies has resulted in significant savings in domestic water consumption. While the domestic water consumption rate is approximately 11% worldwide (WWAP 2019), this rate is 16% in Türkiye. Given that the water consumption at Özyeğin University is predominantly for domestic purposes, the implementation of measures to reduce domestic water consumption makes a significant impact in reducing the institution's water footprint. Recycled water is calculated and included in the university water footprint calculations.
1. Water Efficiency Improvement:
Various steps have been taken to improve water efficiency on campus. These steps involve installing aerators that blend air with running water in sinks to enhance flow rate for domestic use, utilizing high-efficiency faucets, implementing sensor systems in sinks, and employing siphons equipped with "Dual Flush" features. Drip irrigation systems are used for garden watering, effectively curb water evaporation and unnecessary soil saturation. Moreover, water saving is accomplished by selecting climate-appropriate plant species that necessitate minimal water
2. Rain Water Management
Rainwater collection systems have been installed throughout the campus, and it is encouraged to use this water for a range of purposes including garden irrigation. Thus, this initiative not only resulted in a reduction in the consumption of drinking water but also provided a sustainable water source for irrigation and cleaning purposes.
3. Wastewater Management
Taking action about the management and recycling of wastewater significantly contributes to enhancing water reusability, thereby reducing the water footprint. Across the campus, recycling systems are employed for grey water such as sink and shower water, and wastewater is recycled to be used in toilet flushes.
4. Green Building and Technologies
The University uses sustainable technologies in building design to promote innovation in water management. To that end, solutions such as water-efficient materials, water-saving irrigation systems, and water recycling systems have been incorporated into the campus.alth, Safety and Environment Department.
5.Institutional Water Footprint Report
Özyeğin University publishes the Corporate Water Footprint Report in accordance with the ISO 14046 Water Footprint standard in order to analyze its corporate water footprint and support environmental sustainability by referencing its commitment to the management of water resources, in line with its environmental approach within the context of ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.
6. Water Efficiency Mobilization Update
The “Water Efficiency Mobilization" is a project developed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry with the ultimate goals of ensuring sustainable prosperity, maintaining healthy and high-quality life standards, and leaving a proud legacy for future generations. The initiative embraces the principle of "zero loss" in our water resources, encouraging “Achieving the Same Benefit with Less Water" or “Achieving More Benefit with the Same Amount of Water."
For more information.
OzU supports the water efficiency mobilisation project and a water efficiency mobilisation action plan has been developed.