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Gender Equality Office (GEO) Workshops

Workshops on Relationship and Dating Violence:

In the series of events themed “Safe Relationships” organized by the Psychological Development Unit, 2 different workshops “They saw you online” and “Let’s name it: Violence” were held by the GEO. “They’ve Seen You Online” workshop was also offered to OzU Cares volunteer students.

Workshops on Communication:

Women journalist platform Not Without You, Not Without Your Voice (SOSO in Turkish) is conducting the project “Let the Women Explain”, which aims to increase women’s visibility in the media. Within the scope of this project, a training open to only Ozyegin University female academics was organized in cooperation with Ozyegin University GEO and SOSO. The training supports women academicians to become experts in communicating with the media while empowering them before an audience on the screen or in the public domain.

Workshops in Summer School for High School Students:

Within the scope of Ozyegin University High School Summer School, a total of 6 gender equality-focused courses were offered. In addition to the lectures given by GEO advisory board member Berna Zengin, the Office held 3 different sessions: “Domestic Unpaid Labor”, “Gender of the Kitchen” and “Good Practices in the Field of Gender in Turkey”.